Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Perfect planning for a love story

Is there any reliable method to impress a girl? What technique can actually will be successful? I can do anything to get her but will she be...???
From the thousands of posts having a valuable information of impressing a girl, i applied most of them.. but yet no result.

This is the story I look everywhere. You know why? Because you need to know certain things before you apply all above tricks. Yes.. you really do. In this segment we are talking of facebook girls because they are the easiest to wind up with. And also it will be series of posts as you can't learn everything at instant and if you do.. I bet u won't remember at time of applying.

So, let's consider points which you need to understand for yourself.
1. Don't change yourself for any reason. The way you are is real. anything else you apply in ur character will be fake, because it won't be real you.

2. Their is a reason for everything. Forget the factors co-incidence and luck, they are exceptions which occur rare.

3. You can't predict human mind, but they could be guessed easily with great accuracy bcz (everything happens for reason) ;)

4. Circumstances is the biggest factor of everything. Anything can happen against it. So... it will help you number of times.

5. Don't be unbeatable. I mean whatever you do should have a solid reason proving it right. Fair or unfair never matters..

6. Get yourself engaged and be happy all the time when you have nothing to do. At least you will expect least from everyone with this method and "no expectations.. no pain". ;)

I think it's enough for today. I won't bore you more. I don't say this is the best plan.. but this works for sure..
And the most important factor is that you will forget these things after reading this. But u know.. when just a single time you will apply this... u will be in it's magic. ;)

So, the first step you have to take for your girl is to "observe" her. and how to do that.. i too need to think. till then.. try guessing human minds. ;)

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